Stefan Mondelaers

How to create a better "changing" world with less pain, frustration and struggle?

An idea was born.

During his professional career Stefan Mondelaers realized that managers found it difficult to translate theories and scientific models into their daily businesses.

In 2016, after 7 years of scientific research and a Phd, Stefan realized that scientific knowledge should be more easily accessible to the community that paid indirectly for it.

Knowledge and online technology had advanced to a point where they could bring amazing experiences to change and change processes. He embarked on a journey to create a vision about organizational change that would alter the way we think about transformational change.

This vision is successful if there are only winners among all parties involved, if their changed lives become easier and win-win situations are achieved in every step of the way.

Elise Peusen

Elise Peusen who has been active in fashion her entire life inspired Stefan with fashion metaphors and insights about the way fashion trends are adopted.

Everyday the similarities between change and fashion became more evident.

As a trend forecaster Elise is aware of how trends emerge and fade.

As a managing director of different companies she had the opportunity to explore and test the new change theory in several lifestyle and fashion surroundings. Throughout the scientific research conducted by Stefan new insights and ideas occurred and were tested by Elise in order to realize change projects.

This blend of interests and passion for both change and fashion has led to a new successful change company and research institute named Fashioning-Change.

Elise is also founder of CR-Vision; a trend forecasting and positioning company.